Supporting Your Natural Birth Journey

Gentle and Effective Acupuncture for Labour Induction

What is Acupuncture for Labour?

At Deanna Thomas - Acupuncture & Wellbeing, we understand the importance of a smooth and natural birthing experience. 

Specialising in acupuncture for labour, we provide compassionate, expert care to help you prepare for one of the most significant moments in your life.

 Whether you’re nearing your due date or seeking to support the natural onset of labour, our tailored acupuncture treatments can assist in creating the ideal conditions for labour to begin.

Why Choose Acupuncture for Labour Induction?

Natural and Non-Invasive: Acupuncture offers a safe, drug-free way to support your body as it prepares for labour. By stimulating specific acupuncture points, we encourage the body to release hormones that can help soften the cervix and promote the onset of labour naturally.

Reduces Anxiety and Pain: In addition to its role in inducing labour, acupuncture is renowned for its calming effects. Our treatments can help reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and manage pain, making your birthing experience as comfortable as possible.

Supports Labour Progress: Acupuncture can assist in optimising your body’s natural processes, aiding in a smoother, more efficient labour. Many women find that acupuncture helps them feel more prepared and confident as they approach their delivery date.

"Pregnant Woman Preparing for Labour Induction with Acupuncture in Middlesbrough"

How Acupuncture for Labour Works

Our acupuncture sessions for labour induction are specifically designed to support your body’s natural ability to start the labour process. Here’s what you can expect:
  1. Initial Consultation: We begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your pregnancy journey, any concerns you may have, and how acupuncture can best support you.
  2. Tailored Treatment Plan: Based on your needs and stage of pregnancy, we create a customised treatment plan. This plan may involve a series of sessions aimed at preparing your body for labour and managing any related discomforts.
  3. Acupuncture Sessions: During each session, fine, sterile needles are gently inserted into specific points on your body. These points are chosen to stimulate the hormones necessary for labour to begin and to help you feel relaxed and centered.
  4. Ongoing Support: We’re here to support you through every step of your pregnancy journey. Whether it’s your first session or you’re returning for ongoing care, we provide guidance and reassurance throughout.
"Baby Due Date - Acupuncture for Labour Induction in Middlesbrough"

When to Consider Acupuncture for Labour

Acupuncture for labour is generally recommended from 36 weeks of pregnancy onwards. This is the ideal time to begin treatments, as your body is naturally preparing for labour. If you’re past your due date, acupuncture can also be used to encourage the onset of labour, helping you avoid medical induction methods.

We recommend scheduling treatments every other day, ideally with some time before any planned medical induction. Acupuncture can often help initiate contractions. While some women may only need one session, it's more common to require two or three treatments to maintain contractions. This depends on how far past the due date the pregnancy is, as well as the health and readiness of both the mother and baby. Each individual responds differently, and every pregnancy is unique.
"Deanna Thomas - Maternity Acupuncturist and Registered Member of the British Acupuncture Council in Middlesbrough
CNHC Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council and PSA Register Accredited Maternity Acupuncturist in Middlesbrough

About Deanna Thomas - Your Trusted Acupuncturist

At Deanna Thomas - Acupuncture & Wellbeing, we can see women from 36 weeks until delivery. In addition to your acupuncture treatments, I will also teach you acupressure points that you can use at home to help support the labour process. If you are classed as high risk throughout your pregnancy, we will ask you to check with your midwife or consultant to ensure they are happy for you to receive acupuncture. In some cases, we may also use electro acupuncture to help stimulate natural labour, providing a comprehensive approach to supporting your body's readiness for birth.

Licensed and Experienced: Deanna Thomas is a licensed and qualified acupuncturist with a BSc Hons degree in Acupuncture. With several years of experience, Deanna is dedicated to supporting women through all stages of their reproductive journey, from conception to pregnancy and beyond.

Professional Affiliations: Deanna is registered with the British Acupuncture Council and the Acupuncture Fertility Network, ensuring that you receive the highest standards of care. She has also completed postgraduate training in Maternity Acupuncture with the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, specialising in treatments that support fertility, pregnancy, and labour.

Convenient Location: Our clinic is based in Acklam, Middlesbrough, providing a serene and welcoming environment where you can feel relaxed and cared for.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Acupuncture for Labour?
Acupuncture for labour involves the use of fine needles to stimulate specific points on the body, encouraging the onset of labour and supporting the natural progression of childbirth.
Is Acupuncture Safe for Labour Induction?
Yes, acupuncture is a safe and effective method when performed by a qualified practitioner like Deanna Thomas. It’s a gentle, non-invasive way to support your body as it prepares for labour.
How Soon After Acupuncture Does Labour Start?
The timing can vary from person to person. Some women may experience the onset of labour within hours of treatment, while for others, it may take a few days.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
The number of sessions can vary depending on your individual circumstances, but most women benefit from 2-4 sessions in the weeks leading up to their due date.
Can Acupuncture Be Used for Pain Relief During Labour?
Yes, acupuncture can be an excellent way to manage pain during labour. It can be used alongside other pain relief methods to help you stay calm and comfortable.
How much does Acupuncture for labour induction cost?
Our acupuncture sessions for labour induction are priced at £70. This fee includes a comprehensive consultation during your first appointment, where we’ll discuss your pregnancy journey, any concerns you may have, and how acupuncture can best support your labour process. The consultation ensures that your treatment is tailored to your specific needs, providing you with the most effective care right from the start.
Client Testimonial for Pregnancy-Support Acupuncture for Labour Induction in Middlesbrough
I visited Deanna for some Pregnancy-Support Acupuncture days before I went into labour with my little girl! Deanna was so knowledgeable and so professional. The treatment was so relaxing and was just what I needed after being stressed about being over my due date! I believe the treatment massively helped me have such an amazing birth experience! Thanks, Deanna – I honestly can’t stop recommending you to people!"
