How Does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Support Weight Loss?
Traditional Chinese Medical Practice (TCM) uses Acupuncture and other techniques to restore balance within the body. In TCM, weight gain is often associated with imbalances in the digestive system, metabolism, and emotions. Acupuncture needles are inserted at specific points to improve circulation, support the immune system, and regulate metabolism.
TCM acupuncture for weight loss can involve treatments such as cupping therapy to promote detoxification, stimulate fat burning, and boost overall metabolism. Combined with Acupuncture, these therapies create a holistic solution for lipid profile improvement and effective weight loss.
Research and Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Weight Loss
The effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss has been studied with mixed results. Some studies show positive effects, while others find little difference compared to control groups. However, many studies agree that acupuncture can be a useful part of a complementary medicine approach when combined with diet and exercise.
Recent research has shown that acupuncture can significantly enhance a weight loss strategy when paired with lifestyle modifications. A 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis involving 32 intervention arms and 2,219 patients found that acupuncture was most effective when combined with lifestyle changes (Li et al., 2018).
Additionally, a 2020 study found that acupuncture positively impacts body mass index (BMI), body weight, and body fat percentage, suggesting that while acupuncture alone may not be a magic bullet, it can significantly improve the effectiveness of a comprehensive weight loss plan (Lillingston, Fields, & Waechter, 2020).
Recent research from a meta-analysis of 31 studies involving 3,013 participants found that acupuncture led to an average weight loss of 1.72 kg compared to lifestyle changes alone, with acupuncture showing more positive effects than placebo treatments (Zhao et al., 2008). Similarly, a study published in Nature found that acupuncture suppressed appetite and led to greater weight loss than the control group (Lee et al., 2004).
In conclusion, research suggests that while acupuncture may not be a stand-alone solution, it can significantly support body weight reduction when used alongside diet and exercise, making it a valuable part of a comprehensive weight loss plan.
Can Acupuncture Help Weight Gain?
Many people struggling with weight gain often face underlying factors like emotional stress, poor digestion, and hormonal imbalances. Acupuncture helps address these issues by balancing hormones, reducing stress levels, and improving digestive function, which are all key factors in gaining weight.
Whether your weight gain is due to stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, or other factors, Acupuncture can help restore balance and promote a more effective weight loss journey. Through a personalised acupuncture treatment plan, we work with you to address the root causes of your weight gain.