
When Should I Start Acupuncture for My IVF Cycle?

"Acupuncture needles used for IVF treatment to improve fertility outcomes and support a successful embryo transfer."

When Should I Start Acupuncture for My IVF Cycle?

Embarking on an IVF journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. Many patients seek complementary treatments to enhance their chances of success, and acupuncture has gained significant attention for its potential benefits in supporting fertility treatments, especially in conjunction with assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF. This blog will explore when to start acupuncture for your IVF cycle and how it can improve your IVF outcomes.

The Role of Acupuncture in IVF Treatment
IVF acupuncture, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, involves inserting thin needles at specific points on the body. This practice is believed to improve blood flow, balance hormone levels, and reduce stress, all of which can positively impact fertility treatment outcomes.

IVF acupuncture, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, involves inserting thin needles at specific points on the body. This practice is believed to improve blood flow, balance hormone levels, and reduce stress, all of which can positively impact fertility treatment outcomes.

Key Benefits of Acupuncture in IVF

  1. Improved Blood Flow: Acupuncture treatments can enhance blood circulation to the reproductive organs, promoting a healthier uterine environment for embryo implantation.
  2. Stress Reduction: Regular acupuncture sessions can lower stress hormones, which is crucial for women undergoing IVF, as stress can negatively impact IVF success rates.
  3. Hormonal Balance: Acupuncture helps regulate the menstrual cycle and improve hormone levels, which are essential for successful IVF stimulation and embryo transfer.

When to Start Acupuncture for Your IVF Cycle

Pre-IVF Preparation

As a fertility specialist acupuncturist, I recommend starting acupuncture treatments several months before beginning an IVF cycle as part of your overall fertility treatments. This preparation phase helps optimise your overall health and creates a favourable environment for conception. Regular sessions during this time can significantly improve blood flow and reduce chronic pain or stress.

During IVF Stimulation

Starting ivf acupuncture during the IVF stimulation phase can be beneficial. Acupuncture performed during this period can enhance blood flow to the ovaries, supporting the development of mature eggs. Women undergoing in vitro fertilization often find that acupuncture helps manage the physical and emotional stress associated with the stimulation process.

Before and After Embryo Transfer

The timing of acupuncture around embryo transfer is critical. Research shows that acupuncture treatments immediately before and after embryo transfer can lead to a significant improvement in implantation rates and pregnancy outcomes. These sessions help relax the uterus and improve the chances of successful implantation.

Evidence Supporting Acupuncture in IVF

Numerous studies and meta-analyses have explored the effects of acupuncture on IVF outcomes. A systematic review of clinical trials has shown that acupuncture can lead to higher clinical pregnancy rates and live birth rates. Women receiving acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy during their IVF treatment plan have reported a significant difference in their IVF success compared to those who did not.

Improving IVF Success Rates with Acupuncture Treatment

  • Acupuncture has been shown to increase IVF success rates by 33.8%.

  • Recent meta-analyses found acupuncture is effective in increasing the risk of live births by 30% when compared with no treatment.

  • A major meta-analysis of 25 randomized controlled trials involving 4,757 participants found that acupuncture increased live birth rates by 33.8% compared to those who did not receive acupuncture.

  • The same meta-analysis showed clinical pregnancy rates were 43.6% in the acupuncture group compared to 33.2% in the non-acupuncture group.

  • One randomized trial found acupuncture 25 minutes before embryo transfer significantly increased biochemical, clinical, and ongoing pregnancy rates compared to no acupuncture. 

  • Another meta-analysis found a low level of evidence that acupuncture significantly increased clinical pregnancy rates among women undergoing IVF.

  • The benefit of acupuncture was more pronounced in women with a history of unsuccessful IVF attempts

Research Highlights

  • Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Updated systematic reviews and meta-analysis studies have demonstrated that acupuncture can enhance IVF success rates, including clinical pregnancy rates and live birth rates.

  • Improved IVF Outcomes: Acupuncture's effect on blood circulation and stress reduction contributes to better IVF outcomes, such as successful implantation and healthy pregnancies.

Integrating Acupuncture into Your Fertility Treatment Plan

When considering acupuncture as part of your fertility journey, it’s essential to consult with both your fertility specialist and a qualified acupuncturist experienced in Fertility Acupuncture. They can work together to create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that acupuncture sessions are timed optimally to support your fertility treatments, including IVF.

If you're ready to take the next step in enhancing your IVF journey, consider booking an appointment for Fertility Acupuncture. As a fertility specialist acupuncturist, I have had the privilege of helping hundreds of couples achieve their dream of parenthood through IVF. At Deanna Thomas - Acupuncture & Wellbeing, I am a registered member of the British Acupuncture Council and the Fertility Acupuncture Network, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care. 

Offering appointments at my clinic in Acklam, Middlesbrough, I welcome patients from across the Northeast, including Yarm, Stockton, Stokesley, and Redcar. Don't wait to enhance your fertility journey, book your appointment today and let’s work together towards your goal of a successful and healthy pregnancy.

Practical Tips for IVF Patients

  1. Start Early: Begin acupuncture treatments several months before your IVF cycle to prepare your body for conception.

  2. Consistent Sessions: Maintain regular acupuncture sessions throughout your IVF treatment to maximize the benefits.

  3. Focus on Timing: Schedule acupuncture treatments around critical phases of your IVF cycle, especially during stimulation and embryo transfer.

  4. Acupuncture at embryo transfer aims to increase blood flow to the womb lining, reduce uterine contractions or spasms, and regulate stress hormones.

  5. Acupuncture may help relax and reduce anxiety during the two-week wait, and ideally, treatment should continue until week 12 of pregnancy to maintain balance and ensure a smooth pregnancy.


Acupuncture can be a valuable adjunctive therapy for women undergoing in vitro fertilisation. By starting acupuncture early and maintaining regular sessions, many patients experience significant improvements in their IVF outcomes. Consult with your healthcare providers to integrate acupuncture into your fertility treatment plan and enhance your chances of a successful and healthy pregnancy.

Remember, every woman's fertility journey is unique, and combining traditional and complementary treatments can provide a holistic approach to achieving your dream of parenthood.

Take the first step towards enhancing your IVF journey with personalised acupuncture treatments. Schedule your appointment with Deanna Thomas - Acupuncture & Wellbeing today and experience the benefits that hundreds of couples have already enjoyed. 

Contact us to book your session and start your path to a successful and healthy pregnancy. Your dream of parenthood is within reach, let us help you achieve it.

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