
Choosing the Best: Hay Fever Injection vs. Acupuncture

"Hayfever relief options: benefits of hayfever injections and acupuncture, find local acupuncture near you."

Hay Fever Injection vs. Acupuncture: Choosing the Best

Are you tired of sneezing your way through spring and summer? If you're one of the millions suffering from hay fever, you've probably tried every antihistamine on the market. But what about more unconventional treatments? Today, we're diving into two popular alternatives: hay fever injections and acupuncture, both of which can provide relief during hay fever season. Let's see how they stack up when it comes to relieving the symptoms of hay fever, including a stuffy nose.

Understanding Hay Fever Symptoms

Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction to airborne substances like pollen, dust mites, or pet dander. Common hay fever symptoms include:

  • Sneezing

  • Itchy, watery eyes

  • Runny or blocked nose

  • Itchy throat or ears

  • Fatigue

When is Hay Fever Season in the UK?

The UK is particularly affected by hay fever, with a study from Allergy UK reporting that 49% of the population has suffered from hay fever symptoms, making it one of the most common allergies. Hay fever affects almost 10 million people in England, spanning all ages.

The UK is particularly affected by hay fever, with a study from Allergy UK reporting that 49% of the population has suffered from hay fever symptoms, making it one of the most common allergies. Hay fever affects almost 10 million people in England, spanning all ages.

Hay fever season in the UK typically runs from March to November, with different types of pollen peaking at various times. Tree pollen is the first to appear, usually from late April to mid-May, affecting around 25% of hay fever sufferers. Grass pollen, which is the most common allergen, has two peaks: the first from mid-May to early June and the second in early July. Weed pollen follows, typically from the end of June to September, making seasonal allergic rhinitis a major concern for sufferers during these months.

The timing and severity of the hay fever season can vary depending on geographic location and weather conditions. For instance, the season starts later and is shorter in the north of the UK, where there is generally less pollen. Urban areas tend to have lower pollen counts compared to the countryside, and coastal regions often experience lower counts than inland areas. Weather factors such as temperature, rainfall, and wind also play significant roles in pollen production and dispersion. For example, warm, dry days with gentle breezes can lead to high pollen counts, which can worsen hay fever symptoms and lead to coughing, asthma, wheezing, and other uncomfortable inflammatory responses. On the other hand, rain can temporarily reduce pollen levels and provide some relief for hay fever sufferers.

Understanding the pollen calendar and keeping track of daily pollen forecasts can help hay fever sufferers manage their symptoms more effectively. The Met Office provides a detailed pollen forecast and offers advice on minimising exposure to pollen. For those looking for natural relief, acupuncture is an option worth considering.

Hay Fever Injection: What You Need to Know

Hay fever injections, also known as allergen immunotherapy, involve injecting small amounts of allergens into your body. This process helps build immunity or tolerance to the allergen over time.


  • Effective for Severe Allergies: Can significantly reduce symptoms in people with severe hay fever.

  • Long-term Relief: With regular injections, some people experience relief that lasts for several weeks.


  • Potential Side Effects: Possible reactions at the injection site, including redness, swelling, or, rarely, more severe allergic reactions.

Side Effects and Risks

The hay fever injection, particularly the steroid injection Kenalog (triamcinolone acetonide), can have significant side effects:

  • Increased susceptibility to infections (flu, chickenpox, shingles)

  • Raised blood pressure

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Mental health issues (depression, mood swings)

  • Thinning of the bones (osteoporosis)

  • Weight gain

  • Skin changes (thinning, easy bruising)

  • Menstrual cycle disruptions

  • Muscle weakness

  • Increased blood sugar levels (particularly concerning for diabetics)

  • It's important to note that once the steroid is injected, it remains in your system for weeks, and if side effects occur, there's no way to quickly reverse them.

The potential dangers of hay fever injections were starkly illustrated in a recent case reported by The Mirror. A 55-year-old woman from Swansea experienced severe complications after receiving a £40 hay fever injection at a local beauty salon. The procedure, which was meant to provide relief from allergy symptoms, instead left her with a large, painful crater in her buttock. This distressing incident highlights the risks associated with steroid injections for hay fever, particularly when administered in non-medical settings. The woman required extensive medical treatment, including antibiotics and daily nurse visits, to manage the wound. This case serves as a sobering reminder that hay fever injections, while potentially effective for symptom relief, can carry serious risks. It underscores the importance of seeking treatment from qualified medical professionals and thoroughly understanding the potential side effects before opting for such interventions. 

As allergy sufferers seek relief, it's crucial to weigh the benefits against the possible complications and consider safer alternatives under proper medical guidance.

Limited Availability and Reasons

Hay fever injections, particularly Kenalog, are not easily available for several reasons:

  • Not licensed for hay fever treatment: In the UK, Kenalog is not licensed for the treatment of hay fever. This means it's a prescription-only medicine that can only be used "off-label" for hay fever at the personal responsibility of the prescribing doctor.

  • NHS stance: The NHS has stopped offering Kenalog injections for hay fever treatment due to the risks outweighing the benefits.

  • Regulatory restrictions: The UK government has implemented a clampdown on social media advertisements for Kenalog as a hay fever treatment. Companies that continue to advertise it for this purpose may face prosecution.

  • Safety concerns: Health authorities warn that the injection can leave patients more susceptible to infections and other serious side effects.

  • Limited to private clinics: Due to these restrictions, Kenalog is only available through private clinics as a last resort when other treatments have failed.

  • Medical opinion: Allergy UK, a prominent charity, does not recommend or endorse the use of steroid injections like Kenalog for hay fever treatment due to the high side-effect profile.

Given these factors, healthcare professionals generally recommend exploring other treatment options before considering hay fever injections.

Acupuncture for Hay Fever

"Deanna Thomas performing acupuncture needling on Yintang for hayfever relief at her wellbeing clinic."

Acupuncture for hay fever involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to alleviate symptoms. This traditional Chinese medicine technique aims to restore the body's energy balance.

Acupuncture, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, offers a promising alternative treatment for hay fever sufferers. Over the last 30 years, mainstream medicine has increasingly recognised acupuncture as both effective and safe for many disorders. This ancient practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body, known as acupuncture points, to restore balance and promote healing. 

The needles remain in place for a designated period, usually between 15 to 30 minutes, during which the patient can relax and unwind.

For hay fever, acupuncture works by modulating the immune system and reducing inflammatory responses. It targets specific points or acupuncture points, that may help alleviate common symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes.

Patients typically undergo a series of treatments, with some experiencing relief after just one or two sessions, while others may require more for optimal results.

The British Acupuncture Council provides a comprehensive, evidence-based fact sheet on acupuncture for allergic rhinitis, including hay fever. This resource offers valuable information on the effectiveness of acupuncture, citing various clinical studies and systematic reviews. While more research is needed, many patients report significant improvements in their hay fever symptoms and overall quality of life after receiving acupuncture treatment, which can help reduce the overall allergic response. As with any medical intervention, it's essential to consult with a qualified Acupuncturist to determine if acupuncture is suitable for your specific condition.

How Does Acupuncture Help Hay Fever?

"Deanna Thomas providing acupuncture treatment for hayfever relief at her wellbeing clinic."

Acupuncture is believed to modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation, providing relief from hay fever symptoms. It may help by:

  • Reduces Inflammation: Acupuncture can help to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, which can alleviate symptoms like congestion, runny nose, and sneezing.
  • Promotes Relaxation: Acupuncture can induce a state of relaxation and reduce stress, which can help to mitigate the severity of hay fever symptoms.
  • Improves Sinus Drainage: By targeting points that promote better drainage of the sinuses, acupuncture can help to relieve pressure and discomfort caused by sinus congestion.
  • Enhances Overall Well-Being: Acupuncture takes a holistic approach, aiming to improve overall health and well-being, which can indirectly reduce the frequency and severity of hay fever attacks.
By addressing these various aspects, acupuncture provides a comprehensive approach to managing hay fever symptoms.

Pros and Cons of Acupuncture

  • Natural Treatment: Acupuncture uses no medications or chemicals, making it a gentle and non-invasive option for those seeking natural relief from hay fever symptoms.
  • Holistic Approach: This treatment addresses overall health and well-being, not just the symptoms of hay fever. It aims to balance the body's energy, potentially reducing the frequency and severity of allergic reactions.
  • Few Side Effects: Acupuncture is generally safe when performed by a qualified acupuncturist. Most patients experience minimal side effects, which may include slight bruising or soreness at the needle sites.
  • Stress Reduction: Acupuncture promotes relaxation and reduces stress, which can enhance the immune system's response and improve overall health, indirectly benefiting hay fever sufferers.
  1. Varied Results: The effectiveness of acupuncture can vary from person to person. While many patients experience significant relief, others may find the results less noticeable.
  2. Requires Multiple Sessions: Achieving noticeable improvement may require several sessions over a period of time. This can be a commitment in terms of both time and cost.
  3. Availability of Qualified Practitioners: Ensuring treatment from a qualified and experienced acupuncturist is crucial for safety and effectiveness, which may require some research and travel for the best care.
By considering these pros and cons, individuals can make an informed decision about incorporating acupuncture into their hay fever treatment plan.

How Many Sessions of Acupuncture for Hay Fever Relief?

The number of acupuncture sessions needed varies based on individual symptoms and response to treatment. Typically, a course of 6-10 sessions is recommended, often starting with more frequent treatments and tapering off as symptoms improve.

Finding Acupuncture for Hay Fever Near Me

"Deanna Thomas consulting with a patient about hayfever relief at her wellbeing clinic."

If you're considering acupuncture for hay fever relief, it's essential to find a qualified practitioner. In the local area, Deanna Thomas - Acupuncture & Wellbeing is highly recommended. With expertise in treating hay fever and other allergic conditions, Deanna provides personalised care tailored to your needs. Her clinic is conveniently located in Acklam, Middlesbrough, making it easily accessible for residents in the area. Deanna welcomes clients from all across the Northeast, offering her professional acupuncture services to those seeking natural relief from hay fever symptoms. 

Initial consultations at Deanna's clinic start from £70. These comprehensive sessions typically include a detailed health assessment, where Deanna will discuss your medical history, lifestyle, and specific hay fever symptoms. 

She'll perform a tongue and pulse diagnosis, which are traditional Chinese medicine techniques used to assess your overall health and determine the most effective treatment approach. The consultation also includes your first acupuncture treatment, allowing you to experience the benefits right from the start. Deanna will explain the treatment process, answer any questions you may have, and work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to your individual needs and hay fever symptoms.

Whether you're local to Middlesbrough or willing to travel from other parts of the Northeast for quality acupuncture treatment, Deanna's clinic provides a welcoming and professional environment for your hay fever management needs.

Hay Fever Relief Tips

"Helpful tips for hayfever sufferers displayed at Deanna Thomas's wellbeing clinic."

In addition to professional treatments, here are some natural hay fever relief tips to help manage symptoms:

  • Use petroleum jelly around your nostrils: Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly around the inside edges of your nostrils to trap pollen before it enters your nasal passages.

  • Try steam inhalation: Breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water to help clear blocked nasal passages and ease congestion.

  • Rinse nasal passages with a saline solution: Use a saline nasal spray or neti pot to flush out pollen and clear your sinuses.

  • Drink honey and lemon: Combine honey (which has anti-bacterial properties) and lemon (rich in vitamin C) in warm water to help ease congestion and soothe your throat.

  • Wear wraparound sunglasses: Protect your eyes from pollen when outdoors by wearing wraparound sunglasses.

  • Shower and change clothes after being outside: Remove pollen from your body and clothes when you come indoors to reduce further exposure.

  • Keep windows closed: Minimise pollen entering your home by keeping windows closed, especially during high pollen count days.

  • Try herbal teas: Drink chamomile, ginger, or peppermint tea to help soothe symptoms and promote relaxation.

  • Use natural antihistamines: Consider herbs like elderberry or nettle, which may have natural antihistamine properties.

  • Maintain a clean indoor environment: Regularly clean your home, especially bedding, to reduce pollen accumulation indoors.


Acupuncture is a far safer treatment option for hay fever, supported by clinical efficacy. In contrast, hay fever injections are no longer recognized by the NHS as a treatment option and come with numerous unpleasant side effects. While hay fever injections can provide powerful relief, they carry significant risks and regulatory concerns. Acupuncture offers a gentler approach with fewer side effects and unique therapeutic benefits. Acupuncture provides a natural, holistic approach that can enhance overall well-being while alleviating hay fever symptoms.

If you're leaning towards acupuncture, consider scheduling a consultation with Deanna Thomas - Acupuncture & Wellbeing for a personalised approach to managing hay fever.

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